Wednesday, May 19, 2021


EMPOWERMENT OF HANDMADE SOAPS FROM MAINE: CASCO BAY SOAP CO. -- Shannon Grauer has spunk and grit -- two qualities one needs when being an entrepreneur in the State of Maine. Her vision of making the best soap possible never wavered since she began her journey back in 2005. At first (and like most businesses), it began as a hobby using the terms handmade, old-fashioned, small batch and artisan as her guides. After leaving the corporate world behind and trying her hand at other things (she loves to bake, sew, knit, make paper, jewelry and stained glass art), it was making soap that really became her calling card. She made the rounds at farmers markets, fairs and craft shows and now creates a world of fragranced soaps from her headquarters in picturesque Harpswell on a "neck" of land that juts out into Casco Bay in the Gulf of Maine. As Studio of Style can testify, these soaps are truly the essence of Maine with scents that evoke the land and sea. Grauer says her products are "reminiscent of time well spent, days enjoyed by the Maine seashore, by the lake and in our woods." Ayuh, as the locals would say!

Get these soaps:

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