MACY'S PASSPORT GLAMORAMA MARKS 30 YEARS OF FABULOUS FASHION! -- Hollywood loves the red carpet! And every year, the paparazzi stake out their coveted spot on the red carpet for Glamorama at the historic Orpheum Theater in downtown Los Angeles. This past Friday (September 7, 2012) the photographers and video crews were flashing and filming away during the arrivals for Macy's Passport Presents Glamorama -- The British Invasion: The Music Then. The Fashion Now -- and the fashionable crowd showed up on cue and were certainly ready for their closeups! And Studio of Style was there to capture their fabulous faces! Among the beautiful people (from upper left, clockwise): The eternally ravishing Sharon Stone who has crusaded for decades for HIV/AIDS efforts to raise monies and awareness towards a cure; model Georgia May Jagger (yes!) who is the face for Material Girl clothing line; model/actress/entrepreneur/designer Kathy Ireland --looking as gorgeous and classy as ever!; Sean Combs who is an amazing rapper, record producer, actor and clothing designer for his self-named line of men's fashion; singing heartthrob Robin Thicke who closed the evening's show with his sexy songs and his excitable stage presence; and Nicole Richie who is an equally-talented actress, singer, author and clothing designer. What a glamorous night it was, all in the name of supporting the life-changing work of AIDS Project Los Angeles and Project Angel Food. (See more photos below)
All red carpet photos by Greg Firlotte